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A set of tasks to manage version.

List of tasks

Tasks Description
version:format-semver Generate a version in semver format : VERSION|V=5.7 (*)
version:get-cli-version Get version from CLI output of a --version option: OUTPUT|O='Task version: v3.19.0 (h1:jS1s2...' (*)
version:get-docker-apk-version Get version of an APK package of an Alpine docker image: IMG|I=jfxs/alpine-task APK|A=squid (*)
version:get-docker-cli-version Get version from CLI output command of a Docker container: IMG|I=jfxs/alpine-task CMD|C=task --version (*)
version:get-docker-manifest-version Get version from docker manifest with skopeo: IMG| [LABEL|L=org.opencontainers.image.version] (*)
version:get-latest-github Get latest version from Github: REPO|R=go-task/task (*)
version:get-latest-npm Get latest version from NPM registry: PACKAGE|P=wrangler (*)
version:get-latest-pypi Get latest version from PyPI: PACKAGE|P=ansible-core (*)
version:get-major-minor-version Get majeur and minor version number from full version: VERSION|V=3.19.1 (*)
version:get-major-version Get majeur version number from full version: VERSION|V=3.19.1 (*)

global variables

Variables Description Default value
- - -


Generate a version in semver format : VERSION|V=5.7 (*)

[VERSION] format-semver:
Usage: task version:format-semver VERSION|V=<version>
See: for Semantic Versioning.
Remove <build> if any, format to <major> "." <minor> "." <patch> "-" <pre-release>
<pre-release> is optional.
Example: task version:format-semver VERSION=5.7 will return 5.7.0
Arguments Description
VERSION | V Version to format (required)


  • None


Get version from CLI output of a --version option: OUTPUT|O='Task version: v3.19.0 (h1:jS1s2...' (*)

[VERSION] Get version from CLI output:
Usage: task version:get-cli-version OUTPUT|O=<cli_output>/<repo>
Arguments Description
OUTPUT | O CLI output (required)


  • None


Get version of an APK package of an Alpine docker image: IMG|I=jfxs/alpine-task APK|A=squid (*)

[VERSION] Get version of an APK package:
Usage: task version:get-docker-apk-version IMG|I=<image> APK|A=<package>
Arguments Description
APK | A Alpine package (required)
IMG | I Image to run (required)


  • docker


Get version from CLI output command of a Docker container: IMG|I=jfxs/alpine-task CMD|C=task --version (*)

[VERSION] Get version from CLI output command of a Docker container:
Usage: task version:get-docker-cli-version IMG|I=<image> CMD|C=<shell_command>
Arguments Description
IMG | I Image to run (required)
CMD | C CLI command (required)


  • docker


Get version from docker manifest with skopeo: IMG| [LABEL|L=org.opencontainers.image.version] (*)

[VERSION] Get version from docker manifest with skopeo:
Usage: task version:get-docker-manifest-version IMG|I=<image> [LABEL|L=<label_of_version>]
Arguments Description
IMG | I Image to analyze (required)
LABEL | L Label of the version (optional, default org.opencontainers.image.version)


  • docker or skopeo


Get latest version from Github: REPO|R=go-task/task (*)

[VERSION] Get latest version from Github:
Usage: task version:get-latest-github REPO|R=<owner>/<repo>
Arguments Description
REPO | R Repository in format: / (required)


  • curl or wget
  • jq


Get latest version from NPM registry: PACKAGE|P=wrangler (*)

[VERSION] Get latest version from NPM registry:
Usage: task version:get-latest-npm PACKAGE|P=<package>
Arguments Description
PACKAGE | P Package name (required)


  • curl or wget
  • jq


Get latest version from PyPI: PACKAGE|P=ansible-core (*)

[VERSION] Get latest version from PyPI:
Usage: task version:get-latest-github PACKAGE|P=<package_name>
Arguments Description
PACKAGE | P Package name (required)


  • curl or wget
  • jq


Get majeur and minor version number from full version: VERSION|V=3.19.1 (*)

[VERSION] Get majeurand minor  version number from full version:
Usage: task version:get-major-minor-version VERSION|V=<full_version>/<repo>
Example: task version:get-major-minor-version VERSION=3.19.1 will return 3.19
Arguments Description
VERSION | V Version (required)


  • None


Get majeur version number from full version: VERSION|V=3.19.1 (*)

[VERSION] Get majeur version number from full version:
Usage: task version:get-major-version VERSION|V=<full_version>/<repo>
Example: task version:get-major-version VERSION=3.19.1 will return 3
Arguments Description
VERSION | V Version (required)


  • None